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Download NVPerfKit 6.10.0925.1545 Free

Date release: 13-07-2008
Software name: NVPerfKit
Developer: Nvidia
Software version: 6.10.0925.1545
Category: Debuggers/Decompliters/Dissasemblers
License: Freeware
Supported OS: WindowsXP, Vista

Review NVPerfKit

It is recommended to use NVPerfKit to evaluate the performance of Direct3D applications and OpenGL, program error correction and profiling. With this program you will be able to access the hardware counters and low-level counters of performance in the driver. With them will be possible to determine the possibilities of using GPU.Now you can know exactly what the problems are with the performance of programs and their possible solutions.NVPerfKit isadvised to be used in applications with DirectX, OpenGL and other tools (for example, Intel VTune).There is the possibility of supporting Microsoft PIX for Windows.

There are also important details such as support for NVPerfKit GeForce 8 and 9 series GPUS, and older versions.The application supports DirectX10 for Windows XP and Vista, DirectX9, as well as XNA and other managed applications.

The tools panel contains a customizable overlay of performance with real time graphs. You can save it or load a custom layout. There is also a function to change the size and performance of movements. Also, you can reconfigure the monitor. In addition, you can use more than 50 counters, which can change color of the catalog. Changing colors available in the graph legend: you only need to double click.The Frame Debugger tool gives you the opportunity to prioritize and see the 2-D and 3-D textures and shading schemes. There is alsoan available function to replace the textures in the application, visualizers and other textures of debugging. There is an opportunity to view the code in different colors and seeing interactive communication of the selected code and the visual part of the program.

Now you can view the difference between draw calls and orient in the body of a program using the quick tips.Available options to edit pixelshaders, vector geometry, raster graphics and control points.

The Frame Debugger automates the analysis of performance and demonstrates a graph of CPU and RAM load.You can also build graphs with precise load values. Improved user interface includes new hotkeys.You can get the technical support about the work of the application directly from NVPerfKit.